Are you doing without dreaming?

Are you doing without dreaming?

August 23, 20231 min read

I recently took the time to create an updated Vision Board for myself. It had been about 4 years since my last one and a lot has changed! Not only are the things I want out of life different, but I’m way more CLEAR about what my dreams look like!

It’s always important to remember that the reason we are working so hard is not only to be working, to be productive, to make money - but the EMOTIONAL reason behind that work needs to be recognized!! 

Take a few minutes today to close your eyes, take some deep breaths, and remember why you started. 

Deliver your impactful message. 

Grow and serve your community. 

Make a plan for that next adventure. 

Take care of yourself and your family. 

These are the things represented on my new vision board - what’s on yours?

BusinessCommunityCoachingDream Big
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Tracie Root

Tracie said goodbye to corporate life and found the world of coaching after a personal family tragedy. Tracie guides emerging entrepreneurial women who are ready to shift toward their next exciting chapter in business by creating a structured, sustainable, and successful business with excellent vision, skill, and decisive BOLD action.

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