Be BOLD and Stay in Action

Be BOLD and Stay in Action

July 05, 20231 min read

I’m grateful to have had some excellent Sales education, mentoring, training, and advice. I will tell you, though - it takes a while to sink in. At least, it did for me. Like, years.

When I started as a coach over a decade ago, my mentors tried to “teach” me about staying detached from whether or not people began working with me. 

While we can be taught, it’s really up to us to learn. We must leverage what we learn in order to take action.

My patient mentors and guides through the years stayed with me until the light behind my eyes finally turned on. Selling is not convincing, it’s offering - without attachment to the outcome.

Yes, there are tactics to be learned, but the real work is within, so we get out of our own way and continue to offer our solutions to those looking for them. The real gift is ongoing support and accountability, to remind us that what we need is already inside us. 

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Tracie Root

Tracie said goodbye to corporate life and found the world of coaching after a personal family tragedy. Tracie guides emerging entrepreneurial women who are ready to shift toward their next exciting chapter in business by creating a structured, sustainable, and successful business with excellent vision, skill, and decisive BOLD action.

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