How strong are your boundaries?

How strong are your boundaries?

July 12, 20231 min read

A lot has been going on in my life these days - if you know, you know, and I won’t rehash it all here. But, what’s great about all that is it allows me to remember what’s important and to recognize that I can’t be all things to all people every minute of every day 24/7/365. 

Nobody out there is asking. It’s my self-talk. Those “shoulds” that creep in, old messaging that things “should” be getting done regardless of what’s going on in life.

Being BOLD in your life means staying true to your values and remembering what’s important.

Things like:

  • family and friends

  • self-care and rest

  • grace

  • breathing

  • taking care of business

All these things are important and are a part of me. And every day, I do the best I can.

I invite you today to notice that your best today may not be the same as it was yesterday or will be next week. That doesn’t matter. Your best today is just that. Today’s best. Tomorrow you can do tomorrow’s best, which may not LOOK as good as today but if it’s your best, that’s all you need.

Because what’s important to you is what’s important. Not what anyone else thinks, including the person that you are tomorrow. 

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Tracie Root

Tracie said goodbye to corporate life and found the world of coaching after a personal family tragedy. Tracie guides emerging entrepreneurial women who are ready to shift toward their next exciting chapter in business by creating a structured, sustainable, and successful business with excellent vision, skill, and decisive BOLD action.

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