When were you last uncomfortable?

When were you last uncomfortable?

August 09, 20231 min read

When I am speaking to audiences or teaching about being BOLD, I always emphasize what I believe is the most impactful idea in the 4-letter acronym: “O” is for “OPEN to discomfort”. 

BE OPEN to discomfort.

Most of us don’t spend a lot of time thinking about the importance of this. I’m telling you now, it’s very important. Very.

When we stay in our comfort zone, we are staying in place. Not moving forward. Not trying new things that might be scary. Not growing.

Growth requires a little discomfort. Like building muscle, we might feel a little sore after a workout but it’s a sign of tissues breaking down and growing. The same goes for our courage. We have to stretch it. Work it. Before long, what we’ve never done is now something we’ve done before and it’s not so hard. The comfort zone grows larger as we push its boundaries.

Today I invite you to push boundaries and to be open to the discomfort it brings. This is what being BOLD is all about, especially in business. Do the things that are not easy and they will pay off. Embrace and be open to the experience and to the growth it will bring to you.

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Tracie Root

Tracie said goodbye to corporate life and found the world of coaching after a personal family tragedy. Tracie guides emerging entrepreneurial women who are ready to shift toward their next exciting chapter in business by creating a structured, sustainable, and successful business with excellent vision, skill, and decisive BOLD action.

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