Body and Mind. Heart and Soul

Body and Mind. Heart and Soul

July 19, 20231 min read

We have lots of moving parts in this life of ours - and every one of them can be closed or open.

A closed body. Arms Crossed, furrowed brows. Not open to change.

A closed mind. More furrowed brows, convinced they are right. 

A closed heart. Protected, unwilling to allow others to see the softer, more vulnerable parts of themselves.

A closed soul. Now that's scary. Dark, closed to what is not provable. A lack of faith.

Today I invite you to open up. Which one of these is easiest? Which one is the hardest? I'm finding it a little difficult to write this, actually. Feeling closed, now that I've written about it. And so, I will begin with my heart.

Why be open-hearted? Why allow ourselves to be vulnerable, to be visible, to be understood for who we are? Why be generous and kind, why put your generosity and kindness on display where everyone can see? 

Because it makes the rest of it easier to begin. To breathe, and the body relaxes. To imagine, and the mind opens. To love, and the soul lights up. 

Here is one tip to practice being open-hearted in your life - commit a random act of kindness. Not for recognition, not so you will profit in body, mind, or soul, but so you feel good in your heart for doing it. Keep it a secret. Donate money. Pick up a piece of trash (kindness to the earth!). Write a compliment on a piece of paper and leave it where someone you know will find it. To make a difference in someone else's life is to improve your own.  

Try it today ❤️

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Tracie Root

Tracie said goodbye to corporate life and found the world of coaching after a personal family tragedy. Tracie guides emerging entrepreneurial women who are ready to shift toward their next exciting chapter in business by creating a structured, sustainable, and successful business with excellent vision, skill, and decisive BOLD action.

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