BOLD Decisions may not look as you expect

BOLD Decisions may not look as you expect

When you imagine a BOLD decision - what does that look like? Speaking in front of a crowd of people? Standing up for someone (or yourself) in the face of opposition? Leaving a relationship? A job? ...more


September 13, 20232 min read

Business is business - or is business personal?

Business is business - or is business personal?

As an entrepreneur, business owner, CEO, Founder, or however we title ourselves, we ARE our business. So, yes Business is Business, AND Business is Personal. ...more


September 06, 20231 min read

Do you have a generosity plan?

Do you have a generosity plan?

Do you know what you are offering your clients? Do you have a marketing plan? ...more


August 30, 20231 min read

Are you doing without dreaming?

Are you doing without dreaming?

I recently took the time to create an updated Vision Board for myself. It had been about 4 years since my last one and a lot has changed! ...more

Dream Big

August 23, 20231 min read

See What’s Good... Even When it Looks Bad

See What’s Good... Even When it Looks Bad

So many life lessons! ...more


August 23, 20230 min read

When were you last uncomfortable?

When were you last uncomfortable?

When I am speaking to audiences or teaching about being BOLD, I always emphasize what I believe is the most impactful idea in the 4-letter acronym: “O” is for “OPEN to discomfort”. ...more


August 09, 20231 min read

Stay Persistent and Stick to Your Action Plan

Stay Persistent and Stick to Your Action Plan

When you are being BOLD, you’ll do anything it takes to achieve your goals. ...more


August 02, 20231 min read

To be BOLD in your Business you need Resilience

To be BOLD in your Business you need Resilience

Have you struggled with thinking things “should” be a certain way? That fixed mindset is not going to help you through tough times. ...more


July 27, 20231 min read

Body and Mind. Heart and Soul

Body and Mind. Heart and Soul

Why be open-hearted? Why allow ourselves to be vulnerable, to be visible, to be understood for who we are? Why be generous and kind, why put your generosity and kindness on display where everyone can ... ...more


July 19, 20231 min read

How strong are your boundaries?

How strong are your boundaries?

remember what’s important and to recognize that I can’t be all things to all people every minute of every day ...more


July 12, 20231 min read

Be BOLD and Stay in Action

Be BOLD and Stay in Action

While we can be taught, it’s really up to us to learn. We must leverage what we learn in order to take action. ...more


July 05, 20231 min read

Dare to Dream Big (AKA Why I left Corporate)

Dare to Dream Big (AKA Why I left Corporate)

I was with my first and only company since college for 17 years. I was happy, increasing in responsibility and leadership, and I was respected and well-paid. Nobody predicted I would leave. ...more

Dream Big

June 28, 20231 min read